February update

Well, that took a while.

Anyway, the new update is out. Tons of new stuff added. Such use. Very power. Wow.

I was trying to improve overall user impression. Redesigned buttons, app icon, screenshots, help, and stuff. Of course, the new Group tool is also fully functional too!

Go get the update now!

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Quick update on Draw A Graph!

So the update is out and things got fixed, and App Store reviews and ratings all got reset as a byproduct…oh well! If people like it then people will rate it. Don’t want to force people to do so.

On the other hand, I already started to implement the next update. I hope to make object editing more accessible, so I am introducing a group selection tool (modelled on win7 selection rectangle). You can select multiple objects at once, move them, rotate them, delete them, duplicate them, etc. This is the first step to a more rounded layer (or grouped objects) function which I hope to implement in the future.

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ImageAlso, I’ve added thumbnails in the property inspector so you can tell which object it is!

Hopefully I can get all these working in a week or two~

Updating your app to iOS 7 – 5 Common Compatibility Issues and Solutions

So, iOS 7 is out for a while now. Yes, new look for Apple, and quite a good one too. From a pure aesthetic point of view, the new minimalist design actually made things clearer, easier and more manageable. Most … Continue reading

iOS 7 Transition and Beta Testing Update

As the result of iOS 7, I have to (yet again) redo all the help pages so they match the new white/blue theme.

That is, cropping and resizing 16 more images: to deal with 3.5 inch iPhone, 3.5 inch iPhone retina, 4 inch iPhone, and 4 inch iPhone retina. Note there really isn’t a 4 inch iPhone without retina display, but there is an iPad without retina and the 4 inch pages look better on there.

I’m still trying to refine the finer details and catch more bugs. Good news is I might be able to obtain a license quicker than I thought so I can start the beta testing sooner!

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