February update

Well, that took a while.

Anyway, the new update is out. Tons of new stuff added. Such use. Very power. Wow.

I was trying to improve overall user impression. Redesigned buttons, app icon, screenshots, help, and stuff. Of course, the new Group tool is also fully functional too!

Go get the update now!

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New Year Update

This is a small update including just a few optimizations and one new feature.

The selection tool I was working on takes more conceptual design than I originally thought. Codes are getting messy the more I work on it so I really want to keep everything neat and tidy from now on.

So this update doesn’t include the selection tool yet. That should be in the next update.

What is included is the thumbnail feature in Layer Inspector (although layers aren’t really ready yet…haha!) so you can see what is what and select what you want.

Anyway, happy New Years guys 🙂 in 2013 there has been a total of 3585 downloads…without any paid advertisement! Thank you for all the support and I’d appreciate it if you give it a rating!

iOS Simulator Screen shot Nov 15, 2013 2.50.06 PM

Finished Dressing Up For iOS 7!

iOS 7 extended my original plan for Draw A Graph! for about a month, but finally, I’ve finished dressing it up to match iOS 7’s theme!

I also added quite some other handy functionalities to it too, like dragging shapes when there’s a fill color and etc. Those should intuitively be there when you need them!

So, just showing a few drawings I did, as well as some of the updated interface screenshots!

Beta testing is going to happen sometime next week. I’ll first get a few people who can physically connect their iPhone to my laptop to test for me, and then when everything is pretty much working I’ll go get the $99 iPhone developer program and get it up and running for another half dozen people over the internet!

By the way, I also did some work so now it is backward compatible with iOS 5 (albeit without Facebook support, that came at iOS 6). And it’s going to be a free app!

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Updating your app to iOS 7 – 5 Common Compatibility Issues and Solutions

So, iOS 7 is out for a while now. Yes, new look for Apple, and quite a good one too. From a pure aesthetic point of view, the new minimalist design actually made things clearer, easier and more manageable. Most … Continue reading

iOS 7 Transition and Beta Testing Update

As the result of iOS 7, I have to (yet again) redo all the help pages so they match the new white/blue theme.

That is, cropping and resizing 16 more images: to deal with 3.5 inch iPhone, 3.5 inch iPhone retina, 4 inch iPhone, and 4 inch iPhone retina. Note there really isn’t a 4 inch iPhone without retina display, but there is an iPad without retina and the 4 inch pages look better on there.

I’m still trying to refine the finer details and catch more bugs. Good news is I might be able to obtain a license quicker than I thought so I can start the beta testing sooner!

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